Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Good Gig...

Today, I accompanied my daughter's as she played piano in her kindergarden music class.  It was her Birthday, and also her "Teach the Class Day".  A day in which she was supposed to teach her class something that she knew how to do.  She chose to teach her class the words to "Steamboat 'Round the Bend".  It is a song that she is learning for her piano lessons.  I arrived shortly before her class started, and then talked a little about my bass (I brought an Upright for the event) to show the kids.  They thought it was pretty cool.  (I say that based on the wide eyed-open mouthed expressions that I got when I bowed a low F for them!)  Taylor did a great job.  I think that our practicing actually helped.

A good gig, to be sure.

Till next time...

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