Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Trying to fit it all in...

I have been trying to do a blog post every day, and practice every day recently.  It has been one of my priorities.  Today, I did manage to get this blog post... well...  started at least.  I also played for just a few minutes with Taylor, and also worked on a couple of bars from Soul Cowboy.  I was hoping that I could get some time in just listening to some tunes I am working on while riding my bike this morning.  That worked OK, I guess.  I have been trying to use the Amazon "Cloud Player" for music.  It works OK, if you are on a high speed connection, but at 3G it pretty much sucks.  I downloaded my music from my "Cloud Drive", to my Android, and that seemed to work better.

I am not sure how much posting or practicing I will be doing for the next few days since my Parents will be in town visiting.  Hopefully, I will at least get some stuff posted, but if not...  well...  I guess it will just show that my priorities are in the right order.

'till next time...

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